I once heard that if everyone walks out of a lecture convinced that they understood its message to be about something different, that indicates that the speaker spoke the truth.
If this is true of a lecture, how much more so is it true of the Torah. The Torah is understood in so many ways. Chazal taught us that there are 70 ways to understand the Torah.1
We all understand the Torah differently, and that is ok. However, we must be careful not to get caught into thinking that the way we understand the Torah is the only way and it must be imposed upon everyone else.
With the onset of Shavuos, we cap off the days of Sefiras Ha’Omer. The omer is a time when we are meant to reflect on the unique contribution that we each bring to the table. On Shavuos, we can now look at all the different ways of understanding the Torah and understand that it all comes from one place - Sinai.
Years ago, one of my parents told me that the overall idea of Avodas Hashem is to do whatever you think Hashem will be happy with.
This Shavuos, as we celebrate the giving of the Torah, in whatever way you may understand it. Perhaps choose one thing that will give Hashem some nachas ruach, something that will make Hashem proud.
When we can give Hashem some nachas, we become a vessel to receive Bracha, and then we can receive all the good that Hashem has in store for us.
Sources include the following: (perhaps this will be a stand-alone post in the future.)
Yalkut Shimoni, Yirmiyahu 23; 306.
Rabbeinu Bachye, Shemos 24;12; Kad HaKemach - Sukka.
Ridbaz - Volume 3 Responsa 1068
Rikanti - Yisro 9
Ohr Hachaim, Bereishis 1;1.
Rav Tzadok Hakohen of Lublin, Ohr Zarua LaTzaddik -Mehus Lashn Hakodesh; Pri Tzaddik - Shelach; Pri Tzaddik - Shavuos.
Rav Nachman of Breslov, Likutei Moharan 60
Rav Aharon of Karlin, Beis Aharon Behaaloscha 8