Deep and beautiful. Maybe you can also carry the mashal of shoftim and kings to say that the reason shoftim were more of a priority than kings is because while it may be more "interesting" and "shiny" to look into the "subconscious of Torah" (kabbalah and esoteric ideas), you first need to be fulfilling the "conscious Torah), the commands that are black and white in the Torah. The priority is the fulfillment of the mitzvos before you delve into the hidden depths of the Torah.
really nice. thank you
Thanks for reading :)
Deep and beautiful. Maybe you can also carry the mashal of shoftim and kings to say that the reason shoftim were more of a priority than kings is because while it may be more "interesting" and "shiny" to look into the "subconscious of Torah" (kabbalah and esoteric ideas), you first need to be fulfilling the "conscious Torah), the commands that are black and white in the Torah. The priority is the fulfillment of the mitzvos before you delve into the hidden depths of the Torah.