It has become trendy over the past few years to say Thank You Hashem for every little thing, this beautiful idea has morphed into a movement replete with songs, merch, hashtags and everyday lingo.
Is it a good thing?
I have heard many times from my father, that thanking Hashem for the past, without following with a Tefillah for the future, can cause a cessation of the Bracha.
The great Chozeh of Lublin explained that it is for this reason that Leah stopped having children after she named her youngest son Yehuda, in thanks to Hashem. While it is a beautiful expression, Hashem wants us to ask for His continued Bracha.
It is for this reason that in Birkat HaMazon, we recite Rachem after thanking Hashem in Nodeh Lecha. Similarly, in Shemone Esrei, we recite Sim Shalom after Modim.
Perhaps next time we have the opportunity to say Thank You Hashem, let us also use the opportunity to the fullest and pray for a continuation of the abundance Hashem has given us.
May we always have opportunities to properly thank Hashem.