Shkoiach. Powerful idea, which shows up in many other places too.
In hilchos shabbos, סותר is only a melacha mid'oraisa when it's על מנת לבנות - "real" destruction is only when it's done for purposes of rebuilding. Not only that, but only when it's במקומו - destroying one thing to build something else doesn't count.
In the haggada, many ask what the difference is between the chochom and the rosho's question, and one famous answer is that the Torah describes the chochom's question as כי *ישאלך* בנך and the rosho's as והיה כי *יאמרו* אליכם בניכם - he's not really asking, he's not interesting in the answer that follows the question.
Shkoiach. Powerful idea, which shows up in many other places too.
In hilchos shabbos, סותר is only a melacha mid'oraisa when it's על מנת לבנות - "real" destruction is only when it's done for purposes of rebuilding. Not only that, but only when it's במקומו - destroying one thing to build something else doesn't count.
In the haggada, many ask what the difference is between the chochom and the rosho's question, and one famous answer is that the Torah describes the chochom's question as כי *ישאלך* בנך and the rosho's as והיה כי *יאמרו* אליכם בניכם - he's not really asking, he's not interesting in the answer that follows the question.
Wow, love this additional insight. Thank you for sharing.