Love it..but why are several brachot framed in the negative (...שלא עשני)? Wouldn't it make more sense to put them as positive affirmations (so to speak)?

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I don't know. Will look into it.

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I think the affirmation would need to precede the Bracha. The impending Bracha is the impetus for the affirmation.

As far as the Bracha itself, my understanding is that it goes back to the chronology of our formation. For example, some like to explain that the path of least resistance would have been to maintain xx chromosomes without introduction of the y. (Take it or leave it. Akum & Eved would require us to focus exclusively on the # of Mitzvos)

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Really interesting to think of brachos this way. We instinctively look at mental health as something that's in our hands, but it's something we need to daven for too.

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Really nice.

Just this morning I noticed that we refer to Hashem as "הרופא לשבורי לב ומחבש לעצבותם"

Right _before_ listing His universe-scale grandeur (מונה מספר לכוכבים לכולם שמות נקרא and more in the same vein.) Seeming to say that His role as mental healer comes first, and is more worthy of our acclaim than that of keeping the universe going.

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