The outbreak of the war on Simchas Torah inspired me to begin learning Nach and I've decided to share my reflections on it.
Sefer Yehoshua starts with Hashem instructing Yehoshua to lead the Jewish people into the land of Israel. Hashem conveys three significant messages to him:
The Jewish people will inherit every place they set foot. Their territory will extend from the wilderness and Lebanon to the Euphrates in the east, covering the entire Hittite region, and reaching to the Mediterranean Sea in the west.
No enemy will stand against Yehoshua throughout his life. Just as Hashem was with Moshe, He assures Yehoshua of His unwavering support, promising never to leave him.
Yehoshua is encouraged to firmly uphold all teachings Moshe shared. He's warned to remain true to these teachings, continuously reciting and reflecting on them. Only by doing so will he achieve success. Hashem emphasizes the need for courage and resilience, urging Yehoshua not to fear, and reminding him of His eternal presence.
From these pesukim, it's evident that the assurance of Eretz Yisrael is contingent upon adherence to the Torah.
On a personal note, this morning I noticed my downstairs neighbor hosting a family from the south. One of their sons, against all odds, was engrossed in studying gemara in the garden. His dedication deeply moved me, highlighting the importance of clinging to the Torah. Our bond to Eretz Yisrael is anchored in our commitment to Torah study and Mitzvah observance. This perspective is not limited to the charedi community; it reflects core Jewish values. It's not merely about constant study, but about leading a life infused with the Torah's teachings. If we meet someone unfamiliar with the Torah's guidance, we should consider helping them understand. May our dedication lead to the complete redemption and the fulfillment of Hashem's promise to Yehoshua: that every piece of land the Jewish people touch will belong to them.
חזק ואמץ....