Where is the Kavod in the massacre and maiming of thousands of Jews? Where is it in the incessant rockets and bullets aimed at our homes? What is the source of Hashem's glory?
I believe that the search of "makom" is the place of stability of this fusion of din and rachamim. When placed together we refer to Hashem as "A place" because a place is concrete. This is what we offer to a mourner in order for him to see this fusion and stability in his life which is flux.
Makes sense that Yaakov said afterward Baruch Shem Kovod Malchuso afterward. Very nice thought
I believe that the search of "makom" is the place of stability of this fusion of din and rachamim. When placed together we refer to Hashem as "A place" because a place is concrete. This is what we offer to a mourner in order for him to see this fusion and stability in his life which is flux.
That Sefer Charedim on Shema is really interesting and adds a whole new level (for me) of saying Shema with a minyan.